A girl calls her grandmother to follow her while she is carrying the shopping bags December mornings were sunny and it was common to see families walking down the street or children accompanying their mothers to shop. Taken on December 10, 2020, in Gaziantep.

A girl accompanies mothers to the market. The Syrian population uses more striking clothes and contrasts with the brown and black tones of the majority of the Turkish population in the city. Taken on December 2, 2020, in Gaziantep.

A mother breastfeeds her daughter in the middle of the street. Life has the same needs regardless of where you are in the world. Taken on December 2, 2020, in Gaziantep.

A father and son ride a tricycle down the street.It is a typical vehicle of the city population. It is common to see my children accompany their parents while they work. Access to the school is impossible without speaking Turkish in addition to the lack of legal papersTaken on December 4, 2020, in Gaziantep.

A family walks down the street during the morning. The men are working and the women take care of the house and the children. December mornings were sunny and it was common to see families walking down the street or children accompanying their mothers to shop. Taken on December 10, 2020, in Gaziantep.

A young boy carries bags for a building that is being repaired. One boy rides a bike and another rides down the street. In the background of the image, three men argue about the realization of the work. Many of the buildings are in ruins and people are dedicated to repairing them to live better. Taken on December 11, 2020, in Gaziantep.

Four guys bully another to steal his belongings. Being a stranger on this street is dangerous depending on who you meet. Children have grown up between two countries and war, so many only know violence. Taken on December 20, 2020, in Gaziantep.

Six men hit another who remains on the ground. Families protect each other and solve their problems violently in many cases. The man had been caught trying to steal money from a house. They took him out to the street and beat him. The man had been caught trying to steal money from a house. They took him out onto the street and beat him. The man managed to get up and run away while the man in grey drew a shotgun from his house. Violence is usually applied by the adult men of the families, in groups, and on many occasions carrying firearms. There is no real control over the displaced population and conflicts are common. Taken on December 15, 2020, in Gaziantep.

Two women talk about the day at the door of their house. Three children and one adult watch as another gives a boy a beating. Another parent and their child watch closely to the event. Two adults and a child observe the blows up the street. When night falls and the government quarantine measures go into effect, any unknown can pose a problem. Thefts are common and problems too. If you are caught stealing, justice is swift and severe. Taken on December 10, 2020, in Gaziantep.

A man talks to a policeman while another remains behind the wheel of the van. The police often come to the streets. They always stop at the same door. A policeman comes in for twenty minutes and another stays in the car. Finally, a man comes out next to the police, they get into the car and leave. Taken on December 16, 2020, in Gaziantep.

A man covers his face with a bag to avoid being identified. There are people who spend the wee hours of the morning covering their heads to go unnoticed. There are several cameras placed around the place and everyone knows the points where they are recorded by the police. Taken on December 20, 2020, in Gaziantep.